Fx history exchange rates

Exchange Rates UK brings you the latest currency news, forecasts, exchange rates comparison, historical data, currency conversion and live exchange rates 

Representative exchange rates Currency and period Currency and exchange rate Rates of change Foreign currency conversion. Other currency exchange rates  Last modified 04/06/20. Treasury Reporting Rates of Exchange. A program of the Bureau of the Fiscal Service. Treasury Reporting Rates of Exchange Menu. Fixer provides a free, simple, and lightweight API for current and historical foreign exchange rates and currency conversion. The API tracks rates published daily  Major Currencies Historical Rates. Search for Historic All exchange rates are updated regularly and are indicative only. Prices in Rand per currency unit. Historic rates. An exchange rate fluctuates based on the value of a country's currency, which is affected by anything from political changes to market news. Country, Currency Code, Currency, Operational Rate, Effective Date. Afghanistan , AFN, Afghanistan Afghani, 76.55, 01 Mar 2020, History. Albania, ALL, Albania  FX Compare provides you with access to historical exchange rates, so you can see where a currency pair has traded in the past.

FX Exchange Rate

Last modified 04/06/20. Treasury Reporting Rates of Exchange. A program of the Bureau of the Fiscal Service. Treasury Reporting Rates of Exchange Menu. Fixer provides a free, simple, and lightweight API for current and historical foreign exchange rates and currency conversion. The API tracks rates published daily  Major Currencies Historical Rates. Search for Historic All exchange rates are updated regularly and are indicative only. Prices in Rand per currency unit. Historic rates. An exchange rate fluctuates based on the value of a country's currency, which is affected by anything from political changes to market news. Country, Currency Code, Currency, Operational Rate, Effective Date. Afghanistan , AFN, Afghanistan Afghani, 76.55, 01 Mar 2020, History. Albania, ALL, Albania  FX Compare provides you with access to historical exchange rates, so you can see where a currency pair has traded in the past.

Pacific Exchange Rate Service - Database Retrieval System

Vietnamese Dong Exchange Rate - US Dollar - Historical ... The table above displays historical exchange rates between the Vietnamese Dong and the US Dollar. If you would like to view historical exchange rates between the US Dollar and another currency, please select a currency from the list below: www.exchangerateusd.com